Dimensional Sovereign

Chapter 161

Kang-jun was forced to kneel and was bound in the middle of a huge room.

The amulets on his body meant that he couldn’t use any of his strength. He had to leave his body to the celestial gods.

Many celestial gods were looking down at him with disdainful expressions.

The four chiefs were sitting on huge thrones above him.

Three of them were familiar to Kang-jun, while one was a stranger.

She was the chief god of the north, Dianas.

She was the strongest celestial god here but agreed to control the Celestial World with the other three chief gods.

"Are there any objections to putting Lucan in the Abyss?”


"The demonic god Lucan must be put into the Abyss.”

Notos explained why Kang-jun should be put into the Abyss and all the celestial gods agreed.

Dianas suddenly looked at Shaoniel.

She was originally one of the higher gods in the Celestial World, directly under the chief gods.

However, she was going to be punished after defending Lucan. Still, she received some respectful treatment due to her previous position.

"Shaoniel, I’ll ask you. Do you think it is right for us to acknowledge and reconcile with Lucan and Hwanmong?”

The reason for her question was to let Shaoniel lower the level of her punishment.

If Shaoniel acknowledged her mistake and withdrew her opinion then it would end without much punishment.

This was because Shaoniel’s accomplishments weren’t small.

The other chief gods also looked at Shaoniel with expectation. They were strict but they also didn’t want Shaoniel to be punished.

Shaoniel made a tense expression.

She sighed as she looked at Kang-jun who was bound in the middle.

‘This can’t be.’

She understood Kang-jun after a while.

He was stubborn but not self-righteous.

In fact, this war had started due to the Celestial World.

He wouldn’t have fought against her if she hadn’t attacked him first.

Even in the sealed world, Kang-jun didn’t bother the celestial gods for no reason.

Although the Punishment of Time was harsh, she later realised that it was so he could have the conversations he wanted.

He could have created a punishment that would inflict hell-like suffering on the celestial gods.

If he was really a demonic god. then he would have inflicted unspeakable things on her.

However, he didn’t show any signs of that.

Rather, she ended up helping him overcome the temptation of the Goddess of Destruction and in return, he gave her the best treatment possible.

It was surprising because just her tears weren’t enough on their own to overcome Karosio’s temptation.

It was only a small help and it was impossible to overcome the temptation unless he had a strong will.

How many celestial gods could overcome Karosio’s temptation?

Yet he had managed it.

It was indeed a matter of great pride.

All he wanted was to have a conversation with the Celestial World.

He persistently tried to reconcile with the Celestial World.

He stated that he wouldn’t become hostile to the Celestial World if they didn’t interfere with Hwanmong.

Yet the Celestial World kept showing a self-righteous attitude.

In the end, three chief gods acted to capture him and now they wanted to throw him in the Abyss.

‘This is too much. Putting him in the Abyss with the great demonic gods is really wrong.’

There was still hope about being released in hell but there was no such thing in the Abyss.

A permanent seal.

It was a place that the celestial gods couldn’t enter and it was impossible to get out.

It was the end once you entered. Even though they weren’t destroyed when they entered, even the celestial gods didn’t know what happened to the beings that entered there.

It was literally a sealed place!

But now the celestial gods had decided to throw Kang-jun in there.

However, she would receive a terrible punishment if she didn’t let go of her pride.

Even so, she thought about reducing his punishment.

Although he might still get punished, it wouldn’t be as bad as being thrown in the Abyss.

She gazed at the chief gods and said.

"As I have noticed, Lucan has never done anything bad enough to be called a demonic god. He was an ordinary human on Earth and one day received the power of Hwanmong. Then he became stronger in order to survive as a sovereign. He gained a special opportunity and became strong enough to become a potential threat to the Celestial World. However, he never actually did anything that could endanger the Celestial World.”

The complexions of the chief gods and celestial gods started changing. There were very few who agreed with Shaoniel’s opinion. Most of them looked very angry.

Notos glared at Shaoniel and asked.

"Then you think that we should let Lucan go his own way?”

"That’s correct. If we return his household members and don’t interfere with Hwanmong afterwards, then he will never become an enemy of the Celestial World.”

"Shut up! Shaoniel, how can you say such a terrible thing?”

Notos roared angrily. Liviana also stared at Shaoniel with a stern expression on her face.

"It is truly deplorable. A noble goddess of the Celestial World falling under the influence of a wicked demonic god of Hwanmong.”

Ceres declared with a hard expression.

“Shaoniel! You also can’t avoid punishment. You are no longer qualified to be a celestial goddess after sympathizing with a demonic god.”

Shaoniel bit her lip. It had turned out this way. She shouted with an anxious expression.

"If you need to punish Lucan then hell is more reasonable. Please don’t treat him the same as a great demonic god and send him to the Abyss.”

However, the expressions of the chief gods became colder at her appeal.

Only Dianas looked somewhat distressed but it couldn’t be helped since the other chief gods were so stubborn.

In fact, Dianas thought that Shaoniel’s claims weren’t wrong.

She didn’t think Hwanmong was an existence that threatened the Celestial World. Rather, if Hwanmong cooperated with the Celestial World then it would help diminish the number of demonic gods in the dimensional system.

However, the other three chiefs were so stubborn that her differing opinion didn’t matter.

It would only cause a division in the Celestial World.

It would be divided between those who agreed with the opinion and those who didn’t.

The power of the Celestial World would eventually weaken and the demonic gods would be pleased.

‘It can’t be helped. Lucan, I’m sorry but the Celestial World has decided not to co-exist with Hwanmong. You must disappear for the peace of the Celestial World and the dimensional system.’

Dianas nodded to the celestial god Cadeos who was in charge of discipline in the Celestial World.

Cadeos graciously nodded to Dianas and the chief gods and shouted loudly for everyone to hear.

"The chief gods have agreed to send the demonic god Lucan of Hwanmong to the Abyss. In addition, Shaoniel will be deprived of her status as a noble goddess of the Celestial World and condemned to hell.”


Shaoniel sat down with a heartbroken expression. It was shocking that she was being punished with hell, but it was more shocking that Kang-jun was being sent to the Abyss.

But that wasn’t the end. Cadeos continued.

"In addition, all those who followed the demonic god Lucan will be sentenced to hell.”

All of Kang-jun’s household members would also be sent to hell.

It was natural that they would be punished after Goddess Shaoniel was sentenced to hell.

Shaoniel gazed at Kang-jun with a look of despair.

On the other hand, Kang-jun couldn’t even look up due to the force of the amulets.

The power of the amulets was formidable.

It was like this space was filled with solid steel beams.

He couldn’t even blink or breathe.

He could only listen to the voices of the celestial gods. In addition, he heard Shaoniel defending him.

Kang-jun was moved.

if Shaoniel had denounced Kang-jun then she wouldn’t have gone to hell.

Yet she went to hell without protecting herself.

Chu chu chu.

Kang-jun’s head moved despite the strength of the amulets suppressing him. He smiled gently at Shaoniel.

"Shaoniel, I will never forget that you spoke such words to defend me. Even if I kill all the celestial gods in the Celestial World, I will spare you.”

Instead, the chief gods and celestial gods were shocked.

The three chief gods had created the sealing amulets with their enormous powers.

The fact that Kang-jun could speak was shocking.

"The power of the demonic god is stronger than I thought.”

"It would be better to seal him more strongly.”

They hurriedly made more amulets and attached them to Kang-jun’s body.

This time, it included Dianas’ amulets as well and Kang-jun couldn’t say anything more.

Notos exclaimed loudly.

"Cadeos, throw Lucan into the Abyss. Move him through hell and let him see how his household members are suffering due to his disastrous actions.

“As you command. Take him away.”


Cadeos and his angels moved Kang-jun away. Meanwhile, Shaoniel was also dragged somewhere by them.

Jil jil jil.

The angels grabbed Kang-jun’s arms and pulled him.

Kang-jun was dragged along. Cadeos and the angels entered a cave and showed Kang-jun the scenes of hell.



There were people suffering in various ways.

Then Kang-jun saw some familiar people.

Hayun, Cold, Germuz, Rodiam, Aquana and his other household members. He also saw his friends Shakan and Keljark.

Sud was taken from his shadow while the goddess Shaoniel was making a pained faced over the heat of a hot fire.


Kang-jun’s eyes became bloodshot. He gritted his teeth.

He could see them, but they couldn’t see him.

Kang-jun’s eyes burned as he saw them crying in pain.

‘You dare! I won’t forgive you.’

What the hell did he do that was so wrong?

Was it such a crime to want to live well with the power of Hwanmong?


Kang-jun’s body trembled. The amulets attached to his body seemed to shake.



Cadeos panicked as he saw the situation.

“There is no time. Throw him into the Abyss.”


He had previously planned to show Kang-jun all the sights of hell in a relaxed manner but he changed his mind.

Cadeos and his angels immediately went to the Abyss.


Darker than black.

A prison that one could never escape from once thrown inside.

The angels looked down at it nervously. They didn’t delay and threw Kang-jun down.


In the darkness of the Abyss, Kang-jun disappeared in an instant.

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