I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 1 1. The Mighty Chariot Warrior (Prologue)

"Run!!! Run for your life, That evil minded one attacking us. It seems like the God of death himself appeared on this battlefield."

"Leave your weapons, Just get away from that Astra(Throwable weapons like arrow, dart etc)."

"What kind of divine Astra is that? Why was it constantly raining down weapons?"

"Don\'t think about it, Just run, Don\'t you see even prince Arjun run away from here, So what are you waiting for? Let\'s retreat!!!."

There was constant wailing, complients, and fearful voices of soldiers on the battlefield.

If you look at surroundings you will find that there was a sea of army\'s from two different factions. Both parties were filled with fearless, mighty warriors, Who were not afraid of death.

But an anomaly occurred on this battlefield, One party\'s mighty fearless soldiers were doing something that no one ever imagined can be done by these mighty warriors.

Retreating. If you put it nicely they were retreating and if you said it truthfully then they were running. These warriors who weren\'t even afraid of death were running holding their tails between their legs.

It\'s not their fault though they are indeed ready to galdy give up their life on the battlefield. Just as in the past 16 days of the war no one from both parties took one step back from the field even when casualties reached in the millions.

But today\'s situation is different, Past 16 days, although dying, they felt like they had a fair chance to win. That\'s why they were fighting with all of their might but today\'s situation changed.

One man in a chariot fired a weapon that they had never seen before, After it launched whole Sky was illuminated, Air stagnated, the Earth trembled, it felt like the end of the world is here.

Just as it launched it killed hundreds of thousands of troops in an instant. Stunning all the viewers by that sight, They felt like they were in a nightmare , unfortunately this was just the beginning of their nightmare.

Because that weapon never fell down nor did it disappear like other divine weapons but it stayed in the air. Hovering in the air like a reaper that comes to rep there lives.


Earth split open, Sky looked like it was torn apart. Heaven and earth visions started to appear one after another. Chant of celestial mantras coming from every direction. What it felt like eternity was just a mere second time.

That weapon started its bombardment of weapons. Not only normal weapons but also divine weapons were constantly coming out of it as they cost nothing. Whole army couldn\'t help but panic, Half of them even started running while dragging their stunned comrades with them. Some brave one wanted to stand there ground and defend it but when they saw Arjun there groups strongest warrior was running away from this terror their will to stay also broken.

And the reason why these soldiers were doing this unthinkable thing was just a single weapon fired by one extremely handsome man on a golden chariot.

The weapon he fired was still in the air, constantly bombarding the battlefield with all kinds of deadly weapons with no sign of stopping. The mere number of casualties reached millions in a few moments. This fact alone is enough to show its might.

"Shayla took me to where Arjun is running off."

Handsome man calmly said to his chariot driver to take him to his arch nemesis. He was so calm as if he didn\'t have anything to do with the weapon in the sky raining down death.

Sunlight shines on him revealing his figure. His face was so sharp and perfect that it felt like it was sucputred by Vishwakarma (God\'s architect). His lotus-like eyes were so bright like a stars of a starry night. At this moment they were blank, there was not even a hint of pride, arrogance, or hatred in them. They were still like the surface of the lake and as pure as a new born baby. His neck length as dark as moonless night coloured hairs were drifting by the wind giving sharp contrast to his baby-like soft skin\'s fair complexion. Yet it not only decreases his beauty but enhances it making it feel like divine scenery.

His body is also not less than any art itself. His abdomen was like each muscle, each bone was precisely put there by the creator himself, Enhancing his beauty by many folds. His arms were like iron pillars with immense might in them. Though his body was not buff but on a slim side, But no one dared to underestimate his power.

He was wearing normal gloden body armour and mukute (Crown) for safety.

He was wielding one extremely attractive and beautiful bow named Vijaya (Victory) in his hand. This is the bow his guru (Teacher) gave to him as a gift.

This bow belongs to Lord Shiva and has a boon that anyone who wields this bow in battle will always be victorious.

This is the first time in his life he was using this bow because he had a premonition in his heart that this day might be his final day. He wanted to fight with all he got and prove to the world that even Suta (Son of charioteer) can become great if given the right knowledge.

"Shayla speed up, Today either I kill Arjun or die trying!!!."

He roared, declaring the whole world his pledge like a lion. As he said it the sun shone on him illuminating his whole body making him look divine. He became the focus of all the audience. Even in a group of million soldiers he alone becomes the focus of attention.

"Look, he is my mitra (Friend). Look at his valour he alone forced their army to retreat. What are we waiting for ATTACK!!!"

Man with muscular build with Mace in his hand yelled, Commanding his army to attack enemy soldiers.

"Yes Yuvraj (Crown Prince)."

"Attack!!! Show them our might and wipe off 14th day\'s embarrassment with their blood."

"Yeah Look at their mighty warrior, didn\'t he run away like a cat seeing a mouse? hahah."

"Didn\'t he was so proud on the 14th day? Why now running like a coward? Is he afraid of that weapon or shooter of that weapon? Hahaha."

The entire army started laughing. Indeed on 14th day of war Arjun was so fierce that they felt hopeless but no one retreat half of step back but today just one weapon was enough to throw Pandvas army out of battle. They were proud that a warrior who do that was in their army.

"Madhav(Krishna\'s other name) Stop the chariot. Let me kill this evil minded one here and shut these people\'s mouths."

Man who spoke had a dark complexion but a handsome face. He was holding a silver coloured divine bow in his hand known as Gandiva. He was son of king of gods Indra, Arjun.

At this time his anger reached to the top of his head. He helplessly had to watch that evil minded one killing his army. Not to mention he also forced him to retreat.

He didn\'t want to but he had to admit it that he had no counter to the weapon fired by that man. This was making him more angry, He the greatest archer in the world wasn\'t able to counter Astra of low born Suta (Chariotior cast). This fact hit his ego hard. What is even more humiliating was that for a moment he truly felt fear of death. He also felt that the man in front of him was the god of death. He even subconsciously called him that. This humiliation can only be washed by that man\'s blood.

"Not yet, Time has not come yet."

Suddenly a soft calm divine voice sounded. Speaker had the same dark complexion. His face is like a celestial. He had an aura of divinity all around him making anyone close to him feel safe. Surprisingly, his body is the same as that man on the chariot , attractive and divine. They also had the same height. His name was Madhav or Krishna.

At this time all his attention is on the sun in the sky. He was waiting, Waiting for the only opportunity for their victory. If they miss it then they might lose forcing him to break his oath of not lifting weapons in this war.

Arjun didn\'t say anything, Although unwilling he agreed to Krishna\'s decision. He never went against his friend\'s decision, But this was not the only reason why he agreed this quickly. His partial reason was fear. He had fear in his heart. Before anytime he fought with man on chariot fought, He alway thought that he was better because he was able repalle him back but today he realised that all those times he who thought he beat that man was a misunderstanding. His opponent is always holding back and now he is going all out means he is coming to kill him.

Krishna look at chariot behind him and decide to let Arjun fight to stall some more time.

"So you finally stopped Arjun. Let\'s finish the battle we never get to finish."

Seeing arjun chariot turning towards him, Chariot warrior said to Arjun as he put an arrow on Vijay bow\'s string and launched it.


Twang of strings rebounded throughout the whole world. Breath of death spread all around the earth. The gods who was watching the war trembled hearing the twang. Whole heaven shook. Anyone who heard this sound gave birth to fear in there hearts. All gods eyes directly gather on the battlefield between two warriors. They open heavens gates to look at the once in the lifetime battle between warriors who can beat gods.

"Huh True let\'s finish this battle so world can see how blind they were to say you are better then me."

Arjun also not backed away and also stringed arrow on his Gandiva and launched. Whole world shined by the brightness the bow released blinding its opponents. But chariot warrior directly looked at it as if this light didn\'t exist at all.


*Boom*I think you should take a look at


Two arrows intersect in the middle, Then a loud bang sounded, A huge mushroom cloud appeared on the battlefield. Anything that cloud touched were destroyed in a second. There was a total destruction of places all around it.

But this didn\'t stop two warriors. They started launching arrows after arrows to counter one another. Whole world trembled. Animals wailed as if begging these warriors to stop but these warriors did not have time to pay attention to them.

After the normal arrow they started using divine weapons. This time the end of the world really came. Sky lost its brilliance, Earth lost her endurance, Air lost its power, Everything just blew apart. If not for godly protection this world would have ended.

Warriors kept going on without even noticing the destruction all around them. They were like an artist who lost in his art without caring about anyone. They had only one target in there mind that was to defeat their opponent.

After some time the chariot warrior got the upper hand, He swiftly and quickly cut down 12 strings of Arjun\'s Gandiva. His hands were so fast that they appeared to create after images of his actions. This surprises Arjun but also increases fear in his heart. If this goes on the loser will be him. That man showed he was better than him but Arjuna\'s arrogance wouldn\'t allow him to admit it.

"It\'s only because of that damn bow, If I have it, I will be able to do more than him. He was just lucky and tricked Bhagwaan Parshuram to accept him as a student. He doesn\'t have any power of his own."

His jealousy increased, He said in his heart the opponent\'s valour is because of his guru and nothing else.



Suddenly when he was distracted 3 arrows pierce him through his armour. He quickly checked and sigh of relief when he found that all arrows avoided his vitals. For warriors like him these wounds are not even considered flesh wounds. He thanked his luck and put his full focus on the battle.

Krishna, who was driving the chariot, shook his head lightly. How could he not see that those arrows did not contain any killing intent? These were just warning shots to remind his opponent to pay attention.

\'Arjun was fighting as he was facing an opponent and that man was fighting as he was sparring with his younger brother.\'

He looked at the man on the chariot with pain in his eyes. How much he wanted that man to join his army, Join pandavas he was even offer him whole world, most beautiful woman in Aryavart (India), immeasurable wealth, gold, silver anything he wanted, He even offered Pandavas will serve him as his servent but he denied everything without even given a single thought just for his friendship.

He already knew the answer of that man but he still felt pain when he denied the offer because he knew the ending of that denial.

\'Time has come\'

Krishna sighed and turned Arjuna\'s chariot in another direction at full speed. Seeing this Arjun also sighs of relief, He was really getting overwhelmed by that evil minded man. He will never admit it but this was the truth.

"Shayla after him."

When the chariot warrior saw Arjun running away again, Suddenly he had a pang in his heart. This was a warning from his warrior instinct that if he follows then he will surely die in this battle but he still decided to go after Arjun. After all he still has to give his final alms to Pandavas.

Then it happened as his curse fulfilment time had come. When he was running at full speed after Arjun his chariot wheel got stuck in the mud. Looking at the stuck wheel and the Arjun chariot, He remembered his curse with a knowing smile on his lips.

He decided to get down and fight Arjun standing on the ground but then his second curse taken effect and the forgotten all the knowledge about the weapons and Astras in a instant. All of his weapons became useless as he forgot how to use them.

"So this how I am going to die huh, Not bad."

He shakes his head, his smile widens. He then still decided to fight with Arjun with normal arrows.

"Partha(Arjun\'s other name) Now is the time to attack!!!"

Krishna sharply turned the chariot and came towards that warrior. Then battle between warriors started again but surprisingly even after forgetting his weapon knowledge that warrior was still able to keep up with Arjun.

\'How? He was on the ground and I was on the chariot. I clearly have a high ground then why am I still not able to defeat him?"


Arjun again lost in thought and because of his loss of attention a strong arrow of opponent struck him rendering him unconscious.

When the ground warrior saw that his arrow successfully hit Arjun and made him unconscious, He did not feel happy, On the contrary he became worried but after finding Arjun just unconscious and not fatally wounded. He sigh a relief, He didn\'t not take advantage of the situation to kill Arjun nor did he decide to retreat until his knowledge returned to him but instead he decided to pull out his chariot wheel from the ground. So at least his charioteer Shalya is able to escape if he needs to.

So he put his bow on the chariot fulfilling the 3rd curse. Then he grabbed the stuck wheel with both hands and tried to pull the wheel out of the mud but it didn\'t even budge. Annoyed, he used all his might trying to take the wheel out of the mud.


Whole earth shook, With his might he lifted the whole earth with all its river, mountain and ocean four fingers high. The God\'s who was watching applauded his feat of strength but sadly the wheel still didn\'t budge.

"I will kill you Suta."

Roars were heard, Arjun who woke up felt greatly insulted. He was unconscious but other than attacking him and winning the battle, that man decided to lift the wheel, Which was very humiliating for him. In anger decided to attack that man with rudrastra (Roar Of Shiva) but after seeing that man\'s feat, Jealousy again filled his heart he changed weapons to normal divine weapons and launched targeting opponents neck.

That arrow pierced through the air and swiftly cut the neck of the warrior.


Headless body of the warrior fell down on the ground. His head also fell next to it.


Just as his body landed, Heaven and earth changed. Sky suddenly became dark as if the sun couldn\'t bear to look at the sight in front of him. Earth also trembles as showing her sorrow to the world. Animals wailed, Trees fell. For a moment all the beauty of the world eclipsed. Gods also became sad after paying respect to the fallen. They also closed the heaven\'s gate.

"No!!!!! Mitra"

Muscular body man directly kneeled on the ground crying like a baby on the loss of his friend.

He lost all desire of war, At this time he just wanted his friend back. He was ready to give anything in exchange for his friend but he also knew that was impossible. In the end he cried for his friend all night begging all the gods take care of him in heaven and that he will come there soon to accompany him.

Finally night falls and Krishna uses the shankha (Chank) sound to declare the end of today\'s war.

Today\'s night was also too dark , not to mention the moon even stars were not present in the sky. As if every celestial body\'s were mourning for there loss. In this world only one thing was as beautiful as it alway was, that would be the body of a fallen warrior. Even after this gruesome death he was still as beautiful as when he was alive.

The 18th day war result is not surprising to anyone. This day was the last day of the war and Pandavas came out victorious.

That chariot man for his final alms donated victory to them.

This battle was later known as the Kurukshetra war.

(A/N : Hey this is just pre story and real story will start in next chapter. Also the reason I didn\'t revel his name will be said in next chapter.

Remember this chapter yet to be edited. And also this is my fanfic of mahabharta.

Also don\'t forget to donate power stones if you have any left.

Like always thanks for reading and have a nice day ���)

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