The Undead King of the Palace of Darkness

Chapter 53: The Curse Part III

However… the machete did not proceed any further. I used so much force that the bones in my arms broke and the flesh was torn… and yet there was almost no damage made. What a sturdy body.

Nevertheless, maybe it had hurt her, for Albertus’ body trembled. I landed on my feet, quickly crouched down and slid over to her blind spot.

Perhaps due to the ability of the Dark Stalker Albertus was not responding as fast.

I was barely making a sound. And my scent might be concealed as well. My instincts perhaps sensed the danger to my life and activated the ability called Silhouette, which had little to no offensive ability but allowed me to conceal my movements.

However, I doubt it can be used for too long. My skin that had turned black was slowly returning to its original color.

I need to settle this quickly. I used the machete to parry the blow that came from her tail that she swung like a whip. Such immense power. Although I braced myself for it, I was pushed back a few feet nonetheless.

Too strong. Just what will it take to kill this monster? To think… even the Blood Ruler could barely put a scratch on it.

My thirst was almost at its limits. It would seem that Silhouette consumed my strength. The power I got from Albertus’ blood seems to have run out as well.

Her movements have not in the least dulled after all this time. Instead, they have grown more fierce.

I did not feel any fatigue either but I have accumulated considerable damage. Most of it from attacks I could not evade, but also due to backlash from my own attacks. Time is on her side.

I am… severely lacking in offensive power.

Thinking over how many times I can do an all-out attack… I desperately look for an opening as I dodge her attacks.

I search… for a chance to win. There is only one way I could land a lethal blow. By making use of the momentum from my opponent’s attacks.

After all those dodges, I was starting to understand her attack patterns.

After swinging down her forelimb, she mostly goes for me with her jaws.

I suppose she does not use her fangs first in order to not give me any opening, but if I am to land an attack, that is where I could do it. In order to defeat Albertus, I need to land a single fatal blow to her vitals.

Albertus is strong. Even with her animal side in control, her attacks were not blind. However, I have no other choice.

I shall swing my machete hard and swift at the jaws that snap at me.

Would I really be able to defeat her with this? I am not sure. However, I need to try. My path of retreat has already been blocked.

I will step back to evade the attack from her forelimb. I shall then step forward and plant my feet. After which I shall cut down the mouth that comes at me. Even if she were to find my movements odd midway, she would not be able to stop my momentum.

Albertus must be a little relaxed now. Since the weapon I had taken the trouble to sneak over to bring along had not worked.

Heat consumes my mind. My instincts scream for battle and blood. I steel my resolve.

I bore with Albertus’ consecutive attacks by making full use of my Silhouette skill and evading them with all my might.

Ahh, I want blood. Sweet sweet blood.

A monster with crimson eyes, the shade of blood was reflected in Albertus’ gold eyes.

My brain was not working anymore. I half let my instincts guide me. Blood spurted. Not from my opponent but me.

My consciousness was slipping. I shall survive. No matter what, I shall survive.

And so, the moment Albertus raised her forelimb, I awoke from my stupor. I almost reflexively retreated to evade it. The ground shook, but strangely enough, my feet were steady.

I put all my strength into the hand holding the machete and blindly stepped forward.

You fool! Drink some blood!

The rebuke that came out of nowhere made me halt for a moment.

Right before me, in point blank range, claws come down. Albertus’… left forelimb.

The machete that I had failed to stop was thrust in between the limb as huge as a pillar.

It was a trap. Had I not stopped, I would have been mowed down.

The machete that was supposed to counter her attack, sunk its teeth into her left forelimb, going past the fur, but meeting something solid halfway stopped it in its tracks. The bone?!

My consciousness was flickering. I felt as if I were floating above the ground.

Thoughts race through my mind as Albertus’ movements grow sluggish. The Lord’s apparition was by my side unbeknownst to me.

You’re still a lesser vampire! Do you understand what that means?! The only vampiric ability you possess is bloodlust!”

Only… bloodlust. Those words resonated deep within me.

He is right. I do not possess the vampiric abilities of transforming into a bat or fog. Neither the ability to charm others nor the ability to create followers.

I am the chrysalis of a vampire. The only ability I possess… is to drink blood.

However, will that do? Not even the Blood Ruler can barely pass through her fur. Would there even be an opportunity to sink my fangs into such a raging beast? What use would drinking her blood do? There is also the promise I made with Senri….

All kinds of thoughts and hesitation crossed my mind. Golden eyes were looking down at me.

Nevertheless, the very next moment, my canines had grown longer and sharper.

The ability of a ghoul. One that I seldom used, Sharp fang. I let go of the machete that had only pierced halfway through her limb and kicked off the ground. I shall… aim for the neck.

I ran past those forelimbs huge as pillars and slid under her jaws. Albertus did nothing as I rushed in recklessly with no definitive plan in mind.

However, the moment she spotted my fangs, I noticed her pupils contract in surprise.

I get nearer. She looked like a giant black wall up close.

I clung to her bristled fur and I let my instincts take over as I opened my mouth wide and sunk my fangs into her giant neck.

They easily penetrated the fur that the machete swung with all my might had had a hard time getting past. Perhaps she finally realized what I was up to, for Albertus turned around and raged hard, trying to shake me off. My fangs should be nothing compared to such a gigantic body but she struggled fiercely all the same.

Her forelimb came in contact with my body. However, it was too late. It would be impossible for a dog to shake me off after I stuck like glue.

… and so, I tasted Albertus’ life.

Lord’s half-excited, half-insane laugh echoed through my head.

“That’s right! Be it a Werewolf or Evil eye, nothing can stand in your way! The essence of a vampire lies in its ability to drink blood!”

It was a completely different experience from feeding on Senri. The blood flowing into me was hot as fire and dark as night.

My heart throbbed fiercely. The strange sensation of my soul going through a transformation almost makes me lose my grip, but somehow I manage to hold on.

The evil and ambitious necromancer’s voice resounded in my head.

“Yes! This is the result of my lifelong research,

Curse Steal, which will surpass all Kings.”

I was brimming with dark power. My body began to spasm. What I am drinking right now is not just her blood. Her neck, which I clung onto, trembled and visibly grew smaller.

It was the curse. I am sucking out the root of Albertus’ curse right now!

I was at the mercy of images of things I had not experienced before, churning through my mind like a murky stream. However, even in such a situation, my fangs still would not let go. There was no change in the amount of blood that flowed down my throat. I have already once experienced something similar. At the time… I absorbed the Lord’s soul.

Everything poured into me. The curse, Albertus’ memories.

I have never heard of anyone sucking out a curse. Ancestor. Special ability. Is this the ability that the necromancer, Horus Carmon had designed?!

There was no longer a response. The jarring laughter I had heard up until a while ago had disappeared.

I heard something like a scream escape Albertus’ mouth. Her giant head looked up at the sky and her limbs as huge as pillars and body as huge as float, trembled and shrunk like a balloon that had lost its air. I sunk my fangs in further so I do not fall off.

Her black fur shrunk and turned into pale soft skin. I reduced the size of my fangs that had grown long and made sure not to bite off her flesh as I continued to drink.

And finally when all traces of the dark power from her blood had disappeared, I let go of the body that I had been holding in my grip and looked up.

I was at my limit. I staggered, overtaken by intense dizziness, I held my head in my arms. My heart had not in the least slowed down and was still pounding away.

Apparently, Curse Steal or whatever it is called, puts a heavy burden on my body.

However, I did it. I have done it. I got out of the tight spot.

Slumped on the floor after having been released, was Albertus who had been by the Keeper’s side. Incredible to think that something that tormented me severely, was the petite, pale, naked body.

The contrast between the two forms was extreme. Anyone who had not seen her other form would find it hard to believe that the girl could transform into such a huge dog.

Her eyes opened wide in shock, she looked at her hairless palm as if she could not believe her eyes.

I can win. I do not feel all too good, but I will not lose now.

If I am guessing right, Albertus is now weak. That superhuman strength must have been derived from her curse. The one in front of me now, was a mere human with no combat skills.

Furthermore, she is unarmed.

I reprimand my body for almost collapsing, straighten my back and look down at Albertus.

Serves you right. This is what happens when you try to come for my head.

I broke my promise to Senri and ended up drinking Albertus’ blood, but she was not human then, but a dog, so I consider her to be an exception.

Realizing my gaze on her, Albertus got up to her feet and took a step back. Her face showed none of the killing intent she displayed a while before, but maybe because of blood loss, she looked pale.

I am sorry… but you are going to have to die. You have seen my ability. If the vampire hunters were to find out about this, there is no saying what they would do.

They might even come for me as a group. I am not as naive as Senri. Certainly not as naive as to forgive people who come to kill me.

I closed the distance between us and smiled in an effort to disguise my poor condition and used the ability that I just now sucked out of her.

I instinctively knew how to use it. My heart thumped loudly, my skeletal structure and body creaked audibly as it underwent transformation.

Albertus’ face twisted in shock. In a flash, my viewpoint….

… grew lower.


The rags that I had on, grow loose and fall over my head. I frantically shook my head and crawled out from the heap of rags.

Huge. Albertus, who stood stock still, appeared huge. Like a giant. No, wrong. I know it. I… am the one who shrunk.

I turned my head around and looked behind me. What I saw was something completely different from what Albertus transformed into, a white fluffy tail.

“… kuun.”

I looked at my right hand, only to find a squishy paw with centimetre long claws. Unnecessarily long fur. Moreover… I was fluffy…. The fur on my belly was fluffy as well.

This… this is… I have turned into a small-breed that is treasured as a pet. I was clearly twice as small as Albertus when she jumped into the building through the window.

As I sat depressed, Albertus slowly walked around. Naked and brazen, without so much as an underwear, she picked up the Blood Ruler that lay on the ground beside me and looked down at me.

What was reflected in her eyes was not the intent to kill or fight. With no emotion showing in her eyes, Albertus raised the machete high over her head.

?! Wait a minute, how am I supposed to turn back?!

I try to turn back, but find myself ignorant of how to do so.

Perhaps her strength was failing, for she was unsteady on her feet as she held the machete overhead, but she should be able to win against me as I am now.

And what a timing… for the sky to grow brighter. I should have quickly finished her off without transforming.

Even if I am to escape, I would lose the Night crystal that I went through all that trouble to obtain, if I do not take my clothes with me.


Even my bark sounded like a whine. I retreated and desperately tried to look menacing, trying to keep her in check as she aimed where to strike, when I suddenly felt my body being lifted up.

A familiar scent. It was Senri. Senri had flown over with her light wings and picked me up.

Senri looked worse for wear. Her overcoat was filthy everywhere and even her skin was covered in soot. She looked unhurt otherwise.

“End… are you okay?”

“Kyan kyan!”

“I got held up. I can see… what happened here.”

My saving grace had descended.

The creepings of sunlight made me twinge. Smoke arose from the tip of my tail. Senri picked up my clothes off the ground and wrapped them around me. Though it was done to block out the sunlight, it was a bit much to be handled that way.

I would like to complain, but there is not much I can say in the form of an adorable small dog.

Cocooned in darkness, Senri’s calm voice reached my ears.

“… Don’t come after us any longer.”

… She is not going to finish her off? What a naive way of handling things. But at the same time, it did not come as a surprise.

Vampire Hunters are not her enemies. That is the reason I wanted to finish off Albertus before Senri returned.

However… that is fine. I will not reach for the skies. I snatched Albertus’ power from her. Since I am fine and so is Senri, I consider it a good outcome.

I have no idea what became of the Keeper, but even if he were alive, I doubt he is reckless enough to challenge us by himself.

Although not the best of outcomes, it was still better. Right now, I need to think about how to turn back.

Stuck in a tough spot as I was, the Lord would naturally not pop out at times like these.

Moreover, I was struck with intense drowsiness. Clearly this was not the time to nod off, but it was already sleeptime for vampires.

Senri began to run. I could tell from how my body was swayed.


“… We shall leave this town. If we continue to stay here, we will cause trouble for your father.”

“kyan kyan”

“It’s okay. Without solid proof… aristocrats cannot be prosecuted.”


“End. Leave everything to me.”

Senri sounded resolute.

Although we were not exactly conversing, her voice was all it took to loosen the ball of nerves in me.

Relaxed, in the dark, my eyes closed. I felt an extremely pleasant sleep on the horizon.

I trust Senri. I suppose… it is not too bad to be the one cradled once in a while.

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